Birleşmiş Milletler (BM), çevre bilincinin geliştirilmesi için çeşitli platformlarda ücretsiz eğitimler sunmaktadır. İklim değişikliği, sürdürülebilir kalkınma, uluslararası çevre hukuku vs. alanlarda bilgilerini derinleştirmek ve aynı zamanda ücretsiz sertifika almak isteyenler bu eğitimlerden yararlanabilirler.
Not: Bu liste daha önce Çevre Çalışmaları Akademisi sitesinde paylaşılmıştır. Burada tekrar paylaşıyorum.
I. Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Programı tarafından sunulan eğitimler
1. InforMEA Diploma on International Environmental Law and Governance
Introduction to Environmental Governance
Introduction to Human Rights and the Environment
Introductory course to International Environmental Law
Introductory Course to International Legal Framework on Environmental Impact Assessment
Effectiveness and Compliance of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Mini course on Environmental Defenders
Mini Course on Regional Economic Integration Organizations
2. InforMEA Diploma on the International Legal Framework on the Protection of the Atmosphere
Introduction to Environmental Governance
Introductory course to International Environmental Law
Introductory course on the International Legal Framework on Transboundary Air Pollution
Introductory course to the International Legal Framework on Ozone Depletion
Global framework for a pollution-free planet
Climate Change International Legal Regime
3. InforMEA Diploma on the International Legal Framework on Pollution
Introduction to Environmental Governance
Introductory course to International Environmental Law
Introductory Course to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal and Regional Instruments on Hazardous Wastes
Introductory Course to the Minamata Convention on Mercury
Introductory Course to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
Introductory Course to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Introductory Course on the International Legal Framework on Transboundary Air Pollution
Introductory Course to the International Legal Framework on Ozone Depletion
Global framework for a pollution-free planet
Introductory Course to the International Legal Framework on Marine Pollution
4. InforMEA Diploma on the International Legal Framework on Biological Diversity
Introductory course to International Environmental Law
Introduction to Environmental Governance
Introductory course to the International Plan Protection (IPPC)
Course for the National Focal Points for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and its instruments
Introductory Course to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
Introductory Course to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Introductory Course to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Introductory Course to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
5. InforMEA Diploma on the International Legal Framework on Freshwater Resources
Introductory Course to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Global framework for a pollution-free planet
Introductory Course to the International Legal Framework on Freshwater Resources
6. InforMEA Diploma on the International Legal Framework on Agriculture, Land Degradation and Soil Protection
Introduction to Environmental Governance
Farmers´Rights in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Introductory Course to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Introductory Course to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Introductory Course to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa (UNCCD)
Global framework for a pollution-free planet
II.UN SDG: Learn
UN SDG: Learn, sürdürülebilir kalkınma konularında ilgili ve seçilmiş öğrenme çözümlerini bireylere ve kuruluşlara getirmeyi amaçlayan Birleşmiş Milletler girişimidir.
Climate Change Science & Negotiations
Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap
Children and Climate Change
Trade and Environment at the WTO
Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities
Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration
Shifting Towards Water-Resilient Infrastructure
E-Training on the Framework for Development of Environmental Statistics (FDES)
E-Training on the Compilation and Application of Environmentally Extended Supply-Use Tables (EE-SUTs) in Africa
BM aynı zamanda sunduğu kuponlarla Ubiquity University üzerinden çevrimiçi ve ücretsiz eğitimler vermektedir. Eğitimlerin temel kapsamı sürdürülebilir kalkınma ilkelerinin öğrenilmesi üzerinedir. Bu eğitimlere UN SDG: Learn üzerinden ulaşarak erişebilirsiniz.
United Nations SDG Overview Course – Introduction to the SDGs
United Nations SDG 001 – No Poverty
United Nations SDG 002 – Zero Hunger
United Nations SDG 004 – Quality Education
United Nations SDG 011 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
United Nations SDG 012 – Responsible Production and Consuption
United Nations SDG 013 - Climate Action
III. SDG Academy
SDG Akademisi, Birleşmiş Milletler için küresel bir girişim olan Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Çözümleri Ağı'nın (SDSN) çevrimiçi eğitim platformudur.
Ethics in Action
One Planet, One Ocean
Planetary Boundaries
Sustainable Cities
Global Public Health
Globalization: Past and Future
Age of Sustainable Development
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet
Climate Change Science and Negotiations
Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact
Conversations with Global Leaders: Leading on Sustainable Development
Conversations with Global Leaders: Leading on Sustainable Development
Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace
Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability
From the Ground Up: Managing and Preserving Our Terrestrial Ecosystems
How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Exclusion
Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Africa
Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet
Measuring Sustainable Development
Natural Resources for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development: The Post-Capitalist Order
Sustainable Food Systems: A Mediterranean Perspective
Tech for Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving the SDGs
The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development
Transforming Our World: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Water: Addressing the Global Crisis
Work and Employment for a Sustainable Future
Bkz. veya
Daha fazla eğitim için bkz.
2.UN e-Learning Platform of the United Nations Statistics Division
3. NBSAP Forum E-Learning
4. FAO elearning Academy
5. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
6. WTO E-learning
7. SDG Help Desk E-Learning
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