14 Kasım 2023 Salı

Uluslararası İlişkiler: International Organisation Dergisinde Yayımlanmış En Etkili Çalışmalar

Uluslararası İlişkilerdeki ana akım dergilerden birisi olan International Organisation dergisi, disiplininin uzun süre bayraktarlığını yapmış en meşhur dergilerden birisidir. Öyleki hala etki faktörüne göre tüm dergiler arasında birinci sırada yer almaktadır. 

Derginin kuruluşunun 70. yılında önceki dönemde dergi editörlüğünü yapmış akademisyenlere kendi dönemlerinde yapılan tartışmalar üzerine bir giriş yazısı ile birlikte o dönem dergide yer almış en iyi 4-5 çalışmayı listelemeleri istendi. Bunun üzerine 2016 yılında R. Keohane, P. Katzenstein, S. Krasner vd. gibi alanın en meşhur akademisyenleri de olan editörleri bu listeyi okurları ile paylaştılar. 

Koleksiyonların üzerine tıklayarak ilgili giriş yazılarını okuyabilirsiniz.

 Collection 1. 1975-1980: Robert O. Keohane:  (Introduction: International Organization in the 1970s: Three Key Papers  

1. James R. Kurth  The political consequences of the product cycle: industrial history and political outcomes International Organization, Volume 33, Issue 1

2. Peter Gourevitch (1978)  The second image reversed: the international sources of domestic politics, International Organization, Volume 32, Issue 4

3. Peter J. Katzenstein  (1976) International relations and domestic structures: Foreign economic policies of advanced industrial states International Organization, Volume 30, Issue 1


Collection 2. 1980-1986: Peter J. Katzenstein (Introduction: International Organization 1980–86: Anticipating the Future)

1. Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie (1986) International organization: a state of the art on an art of the state, International Organization , Volume 40 , Issue 4, pp. 753 - 775

2. John Gerrard Ruggie (1982), ‘International regimes, transactions, and change: embedded liberalism in the postwar economic order’, International Organization, 36 pp. 379–41

3. Richard Ashley (1984) ‘The poverty of neorealism’, International Organization 38 , pp. 225–86

4. Ronald Rogowski (1983) Structure, growth, and power: three rationalist accounts, International Organization, Volume 37, Issue 4

5. Valerie Bunce (1985) The empire strikes back: the evolution of the Eastern bloc from a Soviet asset to a Soviet liability, International Organization, Volume 39, Issue 1

Collection 3. 1986-1991: Stephen D. Krasner  (Introduction: International Organization 1986–91: The Rise of Norms and Domestic Politics)

1. Alexander Wendt (1987) The agent-structure problem in international relations theory, International Organization / Volume 41 / Issue 3  

2. Ronald Rogowski  (1987) Trade and the variety of democratic institutions,  International Organization , Volume 41 , Issue 2 , pp. 203 – 223

3.  Robert D. Putnam (1988) Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games International Organization , Volume 42 , Issue 3 , pp. 427 - 460

4. Judith Goldstein (1988)  Ideas, institutions, and American trade policy, International Organization , Volume 42 , Issue 1 , pp. 179 – 217

5. Peter B. Evans (1989) Declining hegemony and assertive industrialization: U.S.-Brazil conflicts in the computer industry,  International Organization , Volume 43 , Issue 2, pp. 207 – 238

 6. Ethan A. Nadelmann (1990) Global prohibition regimes: the evolution of norms in international society, International Organization , Volume 44 , Issue 4 , pp. 479 – 526

7. Geoffrey Garrett and Peter Lange (1991), Political responses to interdependence: what's “left” for the left?  International Organization , Volume 45 , Issue 4 , pp. 539 – 564

8. Jeffry A. Frieden (1991) Invested interests: the politics of national economic policies in a world of global finance, International Organization , Volume 45 , Issue 4 , pp. 425 – 451

9. Peter M. Haas (1992) Introduction: epistemic communities and international policy coordination  International Organization , Volume 46 , Issue 1 , Winter 1992 , pp. 1 – 35


Collection 4. 1992-1996: John Odell  (Introduction: International Organization 1992–96: Two Special Articles and Seven More that Merit Greater Attention)

1. James K. Sebenius. 1992. Challenging Conventional Explanations of International Cooperation: Negotiation Analysis and the Case of Epistemic Communities. International Organization 46 (1): 323–65.

2. Ronald Mitchell. 1994. Regime Design Matters: Intentional Oil Pollution and Treaty Compliance. International Organization 48 (3): 425–58..

3. Hendrik Spruyt. 1994. Institutional Selection in International Relations: State Anarchy as Order. International Organization 48 (4): 527–57

4. John Goodman, Debora Spar, and David Yoffie. 1996. Foreign Direct Investment and the Demand for Protection in the United States. International Organization 50 (4): 565–91

5. William R. Thompson. 1996. Democracy and Peace: Putting the Cart Before the Horse? International Organization 50 (1): 141–74.

6. Michael C. Williams. 1996. Hobbes and International Relations: A Reconsideration. International Organization 50 (2): 213–36.

7. Barbara F. Walter. 1997. The Critical Barrier to Civil War Settlement. International Organization 51 (3): 335–64.


Collection 5. 1997-2001: Peter Gourevitch and David A. Lake  (International Organization at Century's End: Some of the Best)

1. Barbara J. Walter. (1997) The Critical Barrier to Civil War Settlement. International Organization 51, 3: 335–64

2. James D. Fearon. (1998) Bargaining, Enforcement, and International Cooperation. International Organization 52, 2,  269–305

3. Michael N. Barnett and Martha Finnemore (1999) The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations. International Organization 53, 4, 699–732

4. Michael Hiscox (2001)  Class Versus Industry Cleavages: Inter-Industry Factor Mobility and the Politics of Trade. International Organization 55, 1 1–46

5. Oona A. Hathaway (1998),  Positive Feedback: The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Industry Demands for Protection. International Organization 52, 3, 575–612

6. Nina Tannenwald. The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-Use. International Organization 53, 3 (1999), 433–68

7. Chaim D. Kaufman and Robert A. Pape. Explaining Costly International Moral Action: Britain’s Sixty-year Campaign Against the Atlantic Slave Trade. International Organization 53, 4 (1999): 631– 68

8. Mark Zacher. The Territorial Integrity Norm: International Boundaries and the Use of Force. International Organization 55, 2 (2001): 215–50.

9. Andreas Osiander. Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth. International Organization 55, 2 (2001): 251–87


Collection 6: 2002 - 2006 Lisa Martin

1. Amitav Acharya (2004) How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change in Asian Regionalism,  International Organization , Volume 58 , Issue 2, pp. 239 – 275

2. Christopher Hemmer and Peter J. Katzenstein (2002)   Why is There No NATO in Asia? Collective Identity, Regionalism, and the Origins of Multilateralism International Organization , Volume 56 , Issue 3 , pp. 575 – 607

3. Edward D. Mansfield , Helen V. Milner and B. Peter Rosendorff (2002) Why Democracies Cooperate More: Electoral Control and International Trade Agreements International Organization , Volume 56 , Issue 3, pp. 477 – 513

4. Edward D. Mansfield and Jon C. Pevehouse (2006)  Democratization and International Organizations International Organization , Volume 60 , Issue 1, pp. 137 – 167

5. Emilie M. Hafner-Burton (2005)  Trading Human Rights: How Preferential Trade Agreements Influence Government Repression International Organization , Volume 59 , Issue 3, pp. 593 – 629

6. Jonas Tallberg (2002) Paths to Compliance: Enforcement, Management, and the European Union  International Organization , Volume 56 , Issue 3, pp. 609 – 643

7. Jonathan Rodden (2003) Reviving Leviathan: Fiscal Federalism and the Growth of Government International Organization , Volume 57 , Issue 4, pp. 695 – 729

8. Judith Kelley (2004)  International Actors on the Domestic Scene: Membership Conditionality and Socialization by International Institutions International Organization , Volume 58 , Issue 3, pp. 425 – 457

9. Judith L. Goldstein , Douglas Rivers and Michael Tomz (2007) Institutions in International Relations: Understanding the Effects of the GATT and the WTO on World Trade  International Organization , Volume 61 , Issue 1, pp. 37 – 67

10. Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall (2005)  Power in International Politics International Organization , Volume 59 , Issue 1, pp. 39 – 75

11. Nita Rudra (2002) Globalization and the Decline of the Welfare State in Less-Developed Countries  International Organization , Volume 56 , Issue 2 , pp. 411 – 445

12. Virginia Page (2003) Fortna  Scraps of Paper? Agreements and the Durability of Peace, International Organization , Volume 57 , Issue 2 , pp. 337 – 372


Collection 7: Emanuel Adler and Louis Pauly (IO’s Expanding Agenda: 2007-2012)

1. Christian Reus Smit. (2011) Struggles for Individual Rights and the Expansion of the International System. International Organization 65 (2):207–42.

2. Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Miles Kahler, and Alexander H. Montgomery. (2009). Network Analysis for International Relations. International Organization 63 (3):559–92.

3. Emilie M. Hafner-Burton. (2008). Sticks and Stones: Naming and Shaming the Human Rights Enforcement Problem. International Organization 62 (4):689–716.

4. James A. Caporaso and Sidney Tarrow. (2009). Polanyi in Brussels: Supranational Institutions and the Transnational Embedding of Markets. International Organization 63 (4):593–620.

5. Jonathan Mercer. (2010). Emotional Beliefs. International Organization 64 (1):1–31.

6. Jordan Branch. (2011). Mapping the Sovereign State: Technology, Authority, and Systemic Change. International Organization 65 (1):1–36.

7. Jörg Friedrichs and Friedrich Kratochwil. (2009) On Acting and Knowing: How Pragmatism Can Advance International Relations Research and Methodology. International Organization 63 (4):701–31

8. Michael Barnett. (2011) Evolution Without Progress? Humanitarianism in a World of Hurt. International Organization 63 (4):621–63.

9. Richard Price. (2008). Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics. International Organization, 62 (2):191–220.

10. Séverine Autesserre. (2009). Hobbes in the Congo: Frames, Local Violence, and International Intervention. International Organization 63 (2):249–80.

11. Vincent Pouliot. (2008) The Logic of Practicality: A Theory of Practice in Security Communities. International Organization 62 (2):257–88.

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